Is this a cliché photograph? Possibly! I don’t know, I still enjoy the motion of the trees and the organization of the various branches. Camera: Ricoh GRII Lens: Fixed 28mm

Monochrome Autumn



A recent attempt at star photography. It’s quite amazing what the camera will pick up – even a few shooting stars. Perhaps a little less time on the shutter would have been better, but overall I was pleased. Camera: Sony A7R Lens: Sony/Zeiss 16-35mm

Our World is a Tiny Speck



I’ve lived in Winnipeg for over 10 years now and I have come to appreciate the city after a decade of taking it all in. A great deal of what is captured in Winnipeg is the clean and shiny side of things – festivals and…

Winnipeg Out and About



I’ve enjoyed photographing the streets this winter, and have gone out a lot more than usual; even on some brutally cold days. That said, it’ll be nice to get back out on my regular photo walks as the warmer weather starts to pick up. I…

Winnipeg Street: Lyle



This past December, while in Cuba, we decided rather spur of the moment to visit Santiago de las Vegas, a small town about 30 minutes from Havana. This coincided with the Pilgrimage to Rincon – the feast day of San Lazaro. Interestingly, the pilgrimage is…

Pilgrimage to Rincón



A couple of back alley finds from the other day. I never thought to explore these areas of the city. They can often net some interesting subjects, especially if you’re into urban decay :)

Back Alley Relics



A rather spur of the moment photo. Saw this steam/exhaust and thought it might look interesting to photograph. I was hoping for someone to walk through and a man ended up doing exactly that. I like the gritty feel to this image – and even…

No. 5: Steam



I went to this diner last night and thought it would make a nice image for the series. I’ve always wanted to shoot a monochrome photo like this and was happy with how the light was falling on the snowy parking pad. The food was pretty…

No. 4: Red Top



This might be a familiar scene to those living in Winnipeg – or many other cold, winter cities. The dreaded bus stop! Anyone who has ever had to wait at one during the frigid winter months, will know why I call it dreaded! Although I do…

No. 3 This is Winnipeg



The second image in my Winnipeg Light and Shadow series. It was around -35C last night and I went out for a walk. Batteries and my will to photograph don’t last too long in that cold!! I was happy enough with this one – especially when…

No.2: Frozen Walk



I’m going to start a new series of images titled Winnipeg Light and Shadows. I’ll explore a different style that uses high contrast, highlights and shadows to create what I hope will be interesting street photographs. No.1: All Quiet on the Corner

Winnipeg Light and Shadows



While visiting Havana, I had a nice chat with one of the trainers at this small gym. It was a chance encounter as the day was nearly done and the legs were about to give in for the day! He was kind enough to invite…

Gimnasio, La Habana



I had only a short amount of time to snap a few candid images while my wife and I picked up some items. I find supermarkets are great places to practice candid ‘street’ shooting (especially in a city with very cold winter temperatures!). This time,…

Supermarket Sweep



With the recent news that the United States has started to renew relations with Cuba came as a thunderous sigh of relief for many, and a bag of mixed emotions for others. The immediate concerns and benefits are clear – on both sides. The introduction of…

What’s next for Cuba?



Jerry and Mary; I met them the other day and although several of their stories were sad, I left feeling uplifted by the conversation we had. Having grown up during the terrible residential school years – a part of Canadian history that still needs to be…

Winnipeg Street – Jerry, Mary and Blackie/Gordon



I’ve been absent from the blog for a couple of weeks now and thought it was about time to return. Sometimes it’s necessary to take a break from the things you enjoy; even if only for a short time! I’ll be sure to run by…




Years ago, this 176 foot long ship sailed the Red River and Lake Winnipeg and was one of the largest passenger vessels in western Canada. Now, the rusting and slowly decaying hulk of the MS Lord Selkirk II rests and waits. Either she’ll be scrapped…

MS Lord Selkirk II



An evening photo of Winnipeg. The large building to the left of the frame is the Canadian Museum for Human Rights which is set to open later this month. I’ll be doing some catch up on as many of your blogs as possible! Cheers and…

Winnipeg at Dusk

